Monday, October 7, 2013

Floral arrangement-Still life /Arreglo Floral-Bodegón

Floral Arrangement ©Sergio A. Ramos
Oil on canvas panel, 16in x 20in / 40.5 cm x 50.5 cm
This still life consists of a floral arrangement on top of a chair, glowing with bright colors and strong brushwork. It was painted directly from nature using the "alla prima" (wet over wet) technique, and an impressionist palette. After letting the painting dry properly during years, it was finished with Damar Varnish for extra protection adding to it future conservation.
It is now for sale here.


Este bodegón consiste en un arreglo floral sobre una silla destacando colores intensos y pinceladas firmes. Fue pintado observando directamente el natural y empleando la técnica húmedo sobre húmedo ("alla prima"). Tras haberlo dejado secar durante años

hemos aplicado barniz de damar para proteger la obra y mejorar su conservación

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Participating in the Coral Springs Museum of Art Lobby Show, October 8th, 2013 at 6:30-8:00 pm.

Portrait of A Young Man-Esteban ©Sergio A. Ramos

I will be participating in the Coral Springs Museum of Art Lobby Show with three oil paintings. This one is titled:"Portrait of a young man-Esteban," 16in x 20in, Oil on canvas. This picture doesn't do justice to it, come and see it in person. The reception will be October 8th, 2013 at 6:30-8:00 pm. Hope to see you there!


Estaré participando con tres lienzos en la exposición de arte que se llevará a cabo en el Coral Springs Museum of Art Lobby Show. En la foto, "Retrato de un hombre joven-Esteban" 40cm x 50cm, oleo sobre lienzo. Esta foto no le hace justicia a la obra, vengan y véanla en persona. La recepción será octubre 8 del 2013 entre las 6:30-8:00pm. Será un gusto verles.